My last post was in October, and I have a feeling that this may be because I switched to working overnights at work. Not really sure what that has to do with it since the internet doesn't close and is open all the time, but working 12 hour shifts overnight does throw your schedule way off for a long time. Anyway, most of my posts to date have been pretty much not very personal, relating to my life, at all. I was just wondering why that is, and I remembered something that my pastor said to me a while back. He told me that it seemed as though I tend to get more joy out of serious things and things that have a lot of meaning. This being the opposite of things that have no real purpose or meaning to them, wastes of time. This would be in my definition, Folly (if you are familiar with Ecclesiastes). I listened to my pastor tell me this and it amazed me. I didn't think that I believed him. If you knew me when I was younger, you would have said the very opposite. I was obnoxious I...
Let's think of it as doing theology!