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Showing posts from June, 2009


This is my answer to the last post I made. Like I said I think that the so what question is the most important one I asked. I will then focus on that portion for the most part. First, I suppose it is obvious that I am a Christian, which in my mind means "a follower of Jesus". Many people would say that a Christian is "one who believes in Jesus". I find that to be insufficient and leads to the lukewarm Christianity that turns so many people off..... is that correct Harry? To explain what I mean read what follows. First of all, Belief is something that involves a self understanding that is really just a conclusion that something is real or true. Just so I am being clear, I believe in Jesus.... mostly because a lot of historical evidence (and that is not just Biblical, but also through ancient historians like Josephus), my own personal experience (which you can refute in your mind if you want), and I suppose a certain portion has to do with my upbringing. Beyond co...


Now this post won't seem as exciting as others I have posted, but you will see as it all plays out why I did this the way I did. To come out with it plainly, I would like to take this oppurtunity to ask the readers here what their beliefs about Jesus of Nazareth are. I am sure all of our views are different. This could make some of you uncomfortable. I know that there are non-Christians reading this, so remember that this is to be a respectable discussion, in order to move forward we must learn from one another. We Christians seem to be the most judgmental when it comes to this. So, what do you believe about Jesus? What does he teach you? What is his significance? More importantly, I find that the "So What?" question is the most important. That question means... so, you believe all these things about Jesus...... So what? So what does that do for you? So what does that change about your life? So what does that mean for everything, and so what is the point? I hav...