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This is my answer to the last post I made.

Like I said I think that the so what question is the most important one I asked. I will then focus on that portion for the most part. First, I suppose it is obvious that I am a Christian, which in my mind means "a follower of Jesus". Many people would say that a Christian is "one who believes in Jesus". I find that to be insufficient and leads to the lukewarm Christianity that turns so many people off..... is that correct Harry? To explain what I mean read what follows.

First of all, Belief is something that involves a self understanding that is really just a conclusion that something is real or true. Just so I am being clear, I believe in Jesus.... mostly because a lot of historical evidence (and that is not just Biblical, but also through ancient historians like Josephus), my own personal experience (which you can refute in your mind if you want), and I suppose a certain portion has to do with my upbringing. Beyond concluding that I think Jesus was a real person... belief has little effect on how I live.

Now, once a belief is in place that belief only play out in a person's life if that person actually takes action on that belief. This is why I say that a Christian is one who follows Jesus and his teachings. So in order to answer my own questions I must explain to all of you what I think it means to follow Jesus. This is the most important part of being a Christian because it is the result of true belief, it is technically hand in hand with REAL belief. I guess then I conclude that if a person does not follow Jesus, or think on his teachings and try to put them in action, or if a person does not shape their lives around these things, then even though they claim belief.... they are not truly Christians.

Ok, now that that is out here we go.

My breakdown of Jesus' teachings mostly involve his actions. Since I think that actions speak louder than words (although the toungue is the most powerful weapon which affects the exterior, our actions reflect all that we are on the inside and thus we learn about who people are mostly by what they do and not what they say). In the case of Jesus I think that his words are in line with his actions, his words simply explain his actions. Let me start with the understanding that Jesus was a person that followed (and therefore believed, and vice-versa) God and his teachings. So all of these things that I write will reflect that which I believe is taught in the Torah and Prophetic writings or the Old Testament. The information I get about Jesus is mostly through studying the New Testament while using the Old Testament as a basis for who, what where, when, and why Jesus even is worth following.

A few attributes and characteristics which I will talk about are most of the things which draw me to following Jesus. He fully commited himself to Biblical Justice, Righteousness, Peace, Teaching and Discipleship, Real Prophecy, and Love. All of these things are based upon Jesus, in my belief, being and following God (being and following sounds weird, but the Bible does teach that this is possible and is so). So, as a Follower of Jesus the absence of a constant attempt at living with these attributes and characteristics leads me only to conclude that a person is not really a Christian, and in most cases has been misinformed about what Christianity really is (So, don't blame Christians for the poor stereotype that is given to us, blame those that call themselves Christians but may not truly be). (That may sound like I am being very harsh on hypocracy........ well I actually am I guess.)


Jeremiah 22:15-17 as well as the rest of the Bible ( this is just one of my favorite verses)
We learn here that what God is saying through Jeremiah is that knowing God is equated with judging the cause of the poor and needy. See knowing God is not reading the Bible and trying to found out as much as you can about him, it is about doing the works of God. Caring for those that need caring, loving those that need loved, helping the orphans and widows, helping the oppressed, serving the poor. Jesus showed this throughout his life by loving the prostitutes, taking care of the hungry, befriending the outcasts, caring for the lepers, the crippled, and so on. Jesus fed people who were hungry, comforted thoses who were in mourning, healed those that were sick, and saved those who were dieing. This is what Biblical justice is, this is what Biblical righteousness is. It is not what we have made it out to be. It isn't living our lives by a set of rules, it isn't by going to church every week and tithing, it isn't by making sure that you don't curse, it isn't by being a "Bible beater". It isnt by only listening to Christian music, it isn't by praying before every meal. Jesus taught us to be loving, Love God and Love your neighbor!!!! These commandments cover the entire law. Loving is what justice and righteousness is!!! Jesus showed us this and this is why I believe in him and why I try to follow him by living out my life that way. Not because I am supposed to, but because I actually do care and actually do love God, and everyone!!!


Now that I sound like a hippy, I think that Jesus lived his life in a way that shows that we should live peacefully and with love, and not with revenge and force. Now, remembering all that I said in the post about the pledge and war (, I also turn to a few other things, and Jesus' crucifixion. Jesus allowed others to mock him and use force against him, he even told Christians that this would happen if they followed him. Paul even says that he takes all of the positives and negatives in his life, because of Christ, as nothing because of the joy he has found in Jesus. Jesus sacrificed himself, the utimate love, for all of us. During all of this he did not fight back, told his friends and family to not fight back, and took all that they gave him because he knew that love would prevail and that fighting back was not the way God had chosen as the path to live for humanity. In our lives we should be leading by his example and using forgiveness, love, understanding, "turning the other cheek". Remember to not judge unless you want to be judged, and to forgive because if you do not then you will not be. This even means in the immediate response to something someone has done to you. This would require then, a peaceful and loving response, and not a response that involves anger, hate, and violence (continue on...).

Now without teaching and discipleship Jesus would not have impacted the world the way he did. The writers of the New Testament would have had little to write because without Jesus explaining himself and teaching why he did the things he did, it would have been hard to understand. In our lives it is our mission from jesus to spread the Gospel to those who have not heard. The Gospel is message contained in the Bible and the life of Jesus. Without living our lives the right way (like Jesus), and also attempting to help others to live in a similar way... the job we inherit as Christians is only have complete and we then cannot be considered to be followers of Jesus. The only way to be Christian is to live like Jesus, and that includes teaching about him and God, and trying to help other people understand the truth that comes from following his example. This is what I am trying to do here on this Blog.
I will probably post about what I think prophecy is in detail, but here is a short blurb about it. (Read "The Prophetic Imagination" by Walter Brueggemann to see more). Prophecy is not fortune telling, prophecy is not trying to tell people what their careers should be, what kind of money problems are going to be fixed, what building a church is going to buy, or simply some connection to God that gives a person the ability to see what is going to happen
From reading the phrophetic books, and learning about Jesus' life we can see that Prophets are those that God shows the injustice and unrighteousness, lack of love and peace, and wrongness of the world. These prophets are shown these things for a purpose. Prophets have this purpose, as well as a few other. They speak for God or God speaks through them to enlighten a blinded people to their wrongdoings and to their straying from the straight and narrow. Then Prophets show these people what the results of their actions are going to be. In the case of Jeremiah he told them what they were doing was going to result in God sending Babylon to destroy them. But Prophets are not done with revelation and condemnation. Prophets then show the hurting people what they can do to be saved, what they can do to change the results that have been shown to them. The prophet gives the people a new vision which teaches them again how God wants them to live. Then he encourages the people by showing them what God has planned for them when they listen and do what they are saying. The point of saying this is because Jesus was a prophet in himself. He lived to show what we as followers of God were doing wrong with our lives, he showed them what would happen if they did not change (death), and he also showed them a way out and a way that pleases God. He shows us, just as the other prophets did, the New Jerusalem and the reward for living with justice and righteousnes, peace and love, and so on.... He showed us the joy that comes from living for aand loving God and Humanity simultaniously and he also showed us how. We then must do the same thing. We do this by how we live, what we teach others, how we live in this world. We should be pointing out the injustice in our world. The hatred and killing in our world, the starving and disease in our world, the greed and selfishness in our world, and the idolatry and ungodliness which is infesting our world and churches!!! We as followers of Jesus have the obligation to show these things to each other and then encourage each other to do something positive about it. We know the result of these terrible things and we know the result of living like Jesus, so we must live as the carriers of Jesus' prophecy.
Ok, so after talking about these few things that I see in Jesus, do you see what I mean when I say that the so what question is the most important? Do you see what I mean when I say that our lives must be lived in a way that reflect our beliefs, or we don't really believe what we say? Being a Christian is much more involved than just saying you believe something, or feeling different when you say that you accept Jesus into your heart, or going to church, or being a SUPER CHRISTIAN...... It is a life changing commitment that affects all areas of your life. Following Jesus involves hard work, learning, teaching, living with justice, righteousness, knowing God then, loving all, living in peace with all, and informing others what they are blinded to, which is the truth of these things and the lies of what is happening in the world we live in.
This is getting too long, but this is my answer to my questions. I know it was long, but it required a very intense look into what I believe. I could have written a 100 page paper on this or an entire book to fully explain this all with Bible passages, other references, and philosophical understanding. The point is that Jesus is my guide and savior and my role model and I think that as a Christian we must live like him and if we do not, then we are not Christians.........
I think that if we as Christians did live like him, then we wouldn't have a problem with people thinking we are hypocrites, hateful, judgemental, crazy, illogical, stupid, or anything else because of the way we lived..... they would think this way only because of Jesus........ this then would be what Jesus called for. Right now people don't hate Jesus they just hate the Christian that the church has created, one who does not reflect Jesus, and who does not live with the things listed above, especially love.
This then is when joy can fill someone, when real peace inside can happen, this is what Christianity is all about, when we actually live like Jesus taught us to....... Even if you are not a believer in the spiritual life of Jesus...... can you see what I am saying about him as a human and his teachings and why following him is a reasonable thing and something that can have a postitive affect on this world????


  1. I didnt know what to expect and I guess that I was expecting some thing else--proselytizing really.
    Some quotes you may like:
    St Francis: "Preach always, when necessary use words."
    Rumi: "At the resurection our bodies will testify against us. Hands will say: I stole. Lips: I spoke meanness. Feet: I went where I shouldnt. Genitals: Me too. These voices will make your prayer sound hypocritical. So now speak openly with your body. While you have a teacher walking in step, as you think, this one knows more than I, the way."

    Google Bishop Romero...I forget what its called: ill get back to you on that its basically social justice or theology of the poor...

    The way you started w Self Understanding I thot interestg. A lot of others may not start there. I think thats a good place to start but what do I know.
    Actions are louder than words...between you and me..(jk, this is the internet) mom and I had a scuffle today (I gotto mv out)...and we dnt see eye to eye. So I used the pushmower as a sort of "repentance": my thinkg was like this: "I am doing this for mom, for dad...then again, i am doing this for myself." Win-win.
    Advocating the poor, the use of nonviolence and prophecys emphasis as social justice all make sense to me. How do or can we really help the poor? I thnk that maybe it starts with their dependence on you--say for food or clothing--and then the end goal really isnt for them to remain dependent but to become [self-]enabled. How do we do that?
    Maybe they have to wake up to some degree--maybe they have to realise the causality of theiir straights, to their ability I guess and faith in their ability. A lot of what you wrote I think is very important. And good excuses not to go to Church- ! I mean that. Someone said: "The signs of God are in the world and the world is in your heart." Someone else: "Whatever ye have done to the least of my brothers youve done to me."

    What better place to look for God or help or opportunities to help than all around you. His Providence, I guess is unlimited (Sermon Mt)....

  2. Steve Querns: See what I mean?
    Me: I didnt read the previous post. But I think yourve knocked "living honestly, and righteously" right on the nose, and called it owt! Youve struck the rock of the six religions maybe, and the spring that floods through them all, maybe those living/rushing waters are rushing out now.

    Because the rules (wear pants, cut/dont cut your beard, jewelry/no jewelry,alcohol), I think, while so varied across the spectra that is Christianity and ultimately all religion are like the forms of the emptiness which may be the absolute. I am not advocating -not- following them or following them--thats up to the reader. Essentially what I offer is the idea that maybe the rules are not the point (Querns said this first).

    So whats the point? The point is--that if you hold onto your own point of view too hard/much--it will impale you (Timothy Leary). I like to say: truth is a beam of pure white light and human consciousness is like a prism that refracts it into so many beautiful colors. Dr Sam Fohr of Pittbrad told me yesterday night: "It would be nice if we could all learn from eachother but extremist moslems will not learn." I dont think that this extremism is limited to extremist Moslems, "they want to take us back to the stone age." I suggest that anyone who think--that: "Im the only right person in this dialogue" or who dont even -want- to dialogue--are already "in the stone age". There are some good things to the stone age and some bad things. How do we evolve these people?
    In my mind--I see 10 000 different races, nations, religions, 6 000 000 000 people. Everyone is a little different, a little the same. The differences are what make us unique and we should respect those, and the commonalities among us enable us.

    Anyone who cant look past their own nose--that person is pretty poor and needy. Weve all maybe been that person when it comes to discrimination, enlightenment or open-mindedness, or selfishness and indifference. I think that Ecclesiastes is my favrite book in the Bible.

  3. :"To every time there is a season." Theres a time to be indifferent and not to be. Right action depends upon right view. There are only six links btween you and any other person of the 6 000 000 000 on this planet (science fact) so it only takes twelve to hit you back--square in the nose. Did you help your brothers and sisters? Then youve helped yourself. Did you hurt them? Then youve hurt yourself. Reputation is the same sort of thing. I guess that people know about you pretty fast.
    · Be blessed ·
    · Thanks for being you--without you none of this would be possible (Mind-only School if you like) ·


    · Jonathan Raymond ·
    · ·
    · 17169041291 ·
    · ·

    my credentials are
    an Associates in Humanities...
    so....thats not much. Take what
    I said like salt: throw it over
    your shoulder! Actually its
    up to you what you do with it.

    Steve: thats all for your kewl/uberwonderbar blog · I think that what ur doing is important. _()_ be blessed. ill stay in touch if thats ok/follew ur blog

  4. I do see what you mean... Our reflection is who we are and who we are is a reflection of Jesus. You know Steve you probably already know this but you are very smart and you don't mind getting your hands dirty to help people understand. You should be a teacher or something and yeah, write a book. I would buy it


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